Francesco Sambati

Francesco Sambati


 My name is Francesco Sambati and I come from Lecce, a small city in southern Italy, more precisely in the region called Puglia.
Honestly I can not give a definition of my style and to tell the truth, I do not know if I can say I have reached my style. Indeed, I think my biggest defect is that of photographing with little discipline, risking to create a jumble of photos aesthetically too unrelated to each other, but for me it is more important the mood in the picture (I think I am more coherent in this aspect ), rather than aesthetics. Despite this, when I look at my photos together, I feel like I'm putting together pieces of a puzzle that I do not know the final image of. For now, I can not help but keep putting these melancholy pieces together.
What I love about photography is the immediacy of language and that even if a picture means something specific, a person can see everything or the opposite of everything. For this reason I do not like giving titles to photos or projects. I prefer photography that relies on emotions, on the undefined and the unsaid rather than on having to tell something, in fact I think I'm the most distant thing from being a storyteller.
Specifying that I am a self-taught photographer, I have only two machines: a Fuji X100t with fixed optics for digital photos and a Polaroid Sx 70 for my Polaroids. Even with regard to post production, I do not use it massively, it is reduced to a minimum and I always try to make a good picture at the start.