Derek Keaton
I think never being satisfied pushes me the most.
While being inconsistent with theme and subject matter, it also allows me to just shoot what I feel at the time. I enjoy taking portraits, landscape, still life and odd scenes and trying to twist them a bit. Whether that is the mood, the photographic process or printing techniques.
Creative process for me starts with a "what if I try this?" moment. Usually wanting to try out a new technique and finding a complimenting subject around it. I am very spontaneous when working and very process driven. I'll usually start very small, try to build up around the idea and work on one image for a long time until I feel I've expressed it fully.
I have to be involved with the photograph from start to finish. There is so much to do and learn, it seems endless. That always keeps me curious and motivated. Sometimes I simply have to walk away when feeling creatively stuck. I find taking moments can help clear the slate and re-focus later. Other times, I'll look at painting or use music for inspiration. It's never easy to break that creative block for me though.