Derek Keaton


I have been photographing on and off since a young age, with no traditional training in photography/art or printing. I've always been drawn to art. Wanting to document while skateboarding at a young age eventually pushed me to take still photographs more and more.


Inspiration never comes easy for me. It's always an ebb and flow. Trials and tribulations in life heavily contribute to all my work.
I think never being satisfied pushes me the most.


While being inconsistent with theme and subject matter, it also allows me to just shoot what I feel at the time. I enjoy taking portraits, landscape, still life and odd scenes and trying to twist them a bit. Whether that is the mood, the photographic process or printing techniques.

Creative process for me starts with a "what if I try this?" moment. Usually wanting to try out a new technique and finding a complimenting subject around it. I am very spontaneous when working and very process driven. I'll usually start very small, try to build up around the idea and work on one image for a long time until I feel I've expressed it fully.


I have to be involved with the photograph from start to finish. There is so much to do and learn, it seems endless. That always keeps me curious and motivated. Sometimes I simply have to walk away when feeling creatively stuck. I find taking moments can help clear the slate and re-focus later. Other times, I'll look at painting or use music for inspiration. It's never easy to break that creative block for me though.




